Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Holidays take work

Well, nearly a week of time off is drawing to a close. I wish i could say it was all good, but it wasn't. In fact some of it was just hard, family wise, childrenwise, growing up wise. I think it's better now, but you know these things can go off quickly.

And I'm already getting into work mode it seems.

A friend told me before Christmas that the holidays just seem to suspend the most obvious tensions people are working through within themselves. It's like its a distraction, which I agree with. I need to go back to work with many tensions in place in peoples lives, and I need to press them towards health and life.

Some of them don't want to be pushed or challenged, preferring to think that if they don't address their issues, their problems will melt away like the snow. But I know better, and really they do too.

Others of them want me to change whole sections of church and church life, thinking that that will solve their problems. But the truth is that it won't help them. They will need to look inside and begin the changes there. But in the mean time they will push and threaten and probably wander away, unwilling to look inside.

And due to age and illness, there will probably be some deaths this year. I don't even want to go there. Start burying your friends and you will see what I mean.

So, these things seem to be settling on me today, and as a result I'm a bit of a party pooper on the last days of break.

On a more positive note, global warming seems to have a bit of a silver lining. It's been in the -C single digits the past two weeks and looks like more of the same for the coming week.

WoooHooo, no -45C this holiday!

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