Friday, January 27, 2006

What's that you say? He seems a little STIFF?

Now, I know I'm not one to throw stones here, in fact it's taken me a long time to learn how to show some affection in public. Truth is I still don't do it enough, but I am working on it, trust me.

But Steven Harper (Our Prime Minister elect for those of you lost in the wilds of the world) has got absolutely nothing on me.

I mean, I realize that he's four years older that I am, and that makes me feel inadequate enough given he's running a country and I can't seem to figure out how to keep my shoe laces tied.

But, Lord have mercy, I have been able to eclipse him in the whole express affection in public thing.

Next to him I feel like, well, quite the passionate lover.

He walks his kids to school and, as an indication of his affection, he shakes their hands.


So here's to our new leader. Making men feel adequate in their huglessness from sea to shining sea.



  1. LOL.

    "Next to him I feel like, well, quite the passionate lover."

    I truly hope you never feel like a passionate lover next to him!

    Randall - I LOVE your use of English. Just keep feeding me the lines and I promise to keep messing them up.


  2. Ditto Toni! (because, where would that leave me?!)

  3. I wonder if I have ever just shaken my kids hand goodbye - they usually just sort of reach out and expect a hug. But then I am an emotional woman!

    LOL really - both you and Stevie boy.

  4. I'm not sure what context this photo comes from, but maybe you are reading into this action. I was actually quite impressed that Stephen walked his son to school! And that his son allowed it! a) how many dads walk their kids to school? and b) how many boys at this age let their father walk them to school? - a famous one at that?!?! Perhaps the son had had a previous conversation because he was embarassed by hugs and kisses in front on his peers - especially from his dad...Yuk! Maybe this was an agreed upon "handshake" which meant the same to them both so that when the eyes of the world are catching every little thing - the son would not be embarassed. So good on you ,Stephen, for being there for your son. Did you walk your son to school today?

  5. Thank you for your comment Jill! I'm tired of people accusing Mr. Harper of being inaffectionate. If anything, he is a bigger man than most by taking time from his job to take his kids to school.

    I'm proud to have him as our new Prime Minister.

  6. Actually, when my kids were younger I would occasionally walk them to school.

    I've top of the head kissed, hugged, tousled, jostled, shoved and spun my kids. I've even been know to stand there waving and shouting GOOD BYE (insert child's name here!)

    Which explains so much about them today.

    But I've never shaken their hands goodbye.

    And yes, I know it was all about a photo op. But it does communicate.

  7. I have a 9 year old who still won't get out of the car without reaching over the seat for his kiss goodbye, still comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me in a hug while I am cooking dinner and thankfully still has no interest in the "girl factor" while his other friends are already having "movie dates." The only date he wants to go on is with his momma.

    I think the whole picture seems pretty rehearsed. Does Steven Harper normally walk his kid to school? If he does I am sure it is not with 50 cameras following them. Do they normally shake hands, high five, hug or just say "See ya later kid" I support the guy as prime minister but this pic does not say how he will be as a PM or how he is as a father.

    'nuff said

  8. If his performance during the election campaign is any indication, I expect Stephen Harper will be a good Prime Minister. His press conference yesterday was impressive. Unfortunately, knowing Canada's mainstream media, I expect that this kind of personal stuff will get a lot of air play, and will go over big with the "I saw it on This Hour Has 22 Minutes so he must be unfit to govern" crowd.

  9. I just thought it was more "campaign fatigue".

    Harper: "...and who are you voting for, little boy?"

    Son: "Dad, you're already Prime Minister!"

    Harper: "Ha...but not officially until February 6th...."

  10. To clarify my previous post, I didn't intend to accuse anyone in this blog of allowing This Hour Has 22 Minutes or any other attacks of a personal nature to unduly influence their political views.

    Regarding the handshake, yes it appears stiff. However most parents don't even get out of the minivan when dropping off their kids for school, and I agree with Jill re the possibility that son Ben may have asked his dad to agree not to embarrass him in front of his friends. I don't know the context of the photo ... if the Conservatives staged it as a photo-op, it obviously was a strategic error ... if it was a case of the paparazzi hounding a political leader, shouting "how about a handshake Ben", I'd suggest that the Canadian media should honour the old Canadian tradition of leaving the families of politicians alone.

    I watched CTV national news last night, and was treated to about 10 minutes about Harper's asthma attack that really wasn't an asthma attack but was a chest infection. Meanwhile Hamas has been elected in the Palestinian election, and I still haven't heard anything in the mainstream media about how the Christian minority in Palestine might be expected to fare under their new government.

  11. I saw this when it first came on the news. I knew it, I just KNEW IT. I said to my husband that this was going to come back and bite him in the butt. I just knew it. sigh. It must be so tiring having people analize your every single move. Well, affection or not, he got my vote. All the best to him.

  12. Actually one of the refreshing things about most Canadians is that we do not venerate our political leaders. I know they must get tired of being on show for the world but it goes with the job. I'm sure that Harper will adjust to it. I, for one, have yet to see if I respect him as a politician. Meanwhile I think it is healthy to be able to laugh at his faux pas and still respect the office he represents for this period of time.


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