Saturday, February 25, 2006

Guy weekend. So far so good.

Well, Lauralea's been gone for what, 20 hours? And hey, we're all still alive.

Hillary's been doing her thing and me and the guys have been doing ours.

Lat night after supper, the three of us got hooked up online with my brother, and played Call of Duty for an hour and a half. It's fun when you have enough people to have a go at playing in small teams. Which we did.

Then I made my famous guacamole and we threw in The Saint, and enjoyed some more guy time.

By then it was around 11 so off they went to bed and I stayed up working on Sunday some more.

As for now, it looks like the chores are done, so we are off to help my brother move.

Have a good one, fellow-men-who-are the-sole-caregivers-for their-children-this-weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Luckily my kids don't mind eating tomato soup and other food that comes from a can.


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