Thursday, February 09, 2006

Of cow piss and snow and prayer

Well, I arrived in Alberta, safe and sound.

I don't know what was harder, driving in the near whiteout/blizzard conditions, or when I passed the semi hauling cattle, one of the cows on the top level started peeing out the side, spraying the whole front of the car. Barely had time to turn on the wipers... snow, cow pee, major wind storm. Yeah.

Well, I stopped in Kindersley and had lunch with a friend, Ron Baker. It was good to see him again. He's pastoring the Alliance church there. He has a good heart and lots of experience, its just not always easy, like life you know?

And, the further west I drove, the less snow there was. By the time I got to the Alberta border, there was no snow. None. Prince Albert has snow, even as late as this morning it was snowing hard. But here, none, nope, no snow. Now that's a good thing. Almost makes up for the cow piss.

My roommate this time around is Wayne. The RCMP guy from BC. (I wonder if he's packin heat? I should ask him. I wonder if I'd sleep better knowing my roommate had a gun under his pillow. I wonder if they still say "Packin Heat?" I wonder too much)
Wayne is pretty much into Survivor, and it's about to start, so we're gonna watch now.

And between the cow piss and lunch, I was prayin, for this weekend, for God's presence, and for you. God was there.

May he be with you tonight too.



  1. dad you should of been hesr yesterday, boy was it windy!

  2. oh yeah, there is realy bad snow drifts evrywere!

  3. *LOL* Nothing like a golden shower! I suppose it would have come in handy if you were out of wiper fluid! Safe travels on your way home!

  4. 8-0 to Julie!

    Never experienced that 'pleasure' of that myself, and I hope I never will. At least you didn't get the bovine equivalent of Mr. Sanchez.

    So much for it being a family forum.

  5. You can be thankful that it wasnt a warm summer day in your airconditionless van, windows rolled down... might have masked the sweet sticky smell of the diet gingerale

  6. I suppose this is just another hazard of the road in cow country, but although I've passed lots of cattle haulers, I've personally never been the victim of a drive by spraying.

    Further to Pegs' comment - be thankful that it wasn't a summer day AND that you weren't on a motorcycle.

  7. RANDAL;

    RON is now my pastor and yes it comes through loud and clear that he cares for people. At our manor party last week The staff were heard to comment on how nice it was to see him and Jill going around and talking to all the guests.



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