Friday, May 26, 2006

I have a thought

I heard something today in which the author stated many studies which indicated that the average human being has between 4 and 6 thousand thoughts a day.

The over achievers, the above the crowd people had between 14 and 16 hundred thoughts a day.

Their thoughts were mostly centered on their present situation, not thinking on past things, or thinking on the future things.

I would have thought them lazy and simple if they only had that many thoughts in a day. In fact, they are the ones out there over achieving, because they limit their thoughts to the present.



  1. I keep wondering how on earth they counted a person's thoughts. Did they say? And what merits being called a thought? There I just had a whole bunch of thoughts myself - I think. So there is no doubt into which category I fall.

  2. Thanks, now I have an excuse for lack of achievement.

  3. I must be an over-acheiver because I believe I have 14,000 thoughts and a few hours later I have another 14,000 thoughts but they are the same as the first 14,000 because I forgot the first 14,000. I think its age related.
    "Just a thought"


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