Thursday, May 04, 2006

Space to live in.

We started receiving the Prince Albert Daily Herald Digital edition this week, so when I have a moment I pull it up and peruse the latest edition. The thing I like the most about it is that the paper comes as a PDF file and when I load it up, I´m able to do searches through it for names or places I´m interested in.

I think it was last week Micah was in the paper for his good marks in the band festival. I would have missed it completely, except that I opened it and just caught the name ?Friesen.? Now it´s much easier to search for that name, and up it pops. Not too bad at all.

However, that´s a freebee, it isn´t the point of this post.

I realized while reading it that it´s been a long time since I have written something for the Daily Herald. December 3rd to be exact. And now it´s already past Easter and Spring.

Not only have I written less for the paper, but I´ve been writing less in general, and it feels a little gypped inside.

Life has been amazingly busy during the past 2 months, and I have put the writing on the shelf as I try to cope with life. This feels more and more like I´m moving away from the cool new things I was discovering about creativity and discipline and writing. I miss it.

Last week I tried to take a few days off, although you know how that goes. But as the week progressed I found new things springing up in my head to write about like I haven´t seen coming for a long time.

For me there seems to be a connection between having my head free of clutter, and then creativity comes creeping back in there.

So if I want to do something I enjoy, like writing, I need to get my head space cleared out a bit and create room up there for creativity to grow.

Not as easy to do as it is to type it on the screen.


  1. Looking forward to seeing your "many articles!!" in the Herald. One tends to get pretty tired of seeing the same old stuff!

  2. Randall, sounds like I could have written this thing about not writing in the last while. Read it to Jill and thought I heard myself inside your words. Good counsel - take a little clear head time and get back into the creativity.


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