The day started with a phone call from the Hospital. Seems a friend who had come nicely through surgery had taken a bad turn. By this morning she was very sick, the doctor was doubtful she would make the day.
I went and sat with her as the family met with the Doctor. I held her hand as I prayed - not for her health, but for God"s sovereignty in her life, and death.
Having fought so many health battles in her life, she has become tired of it all. She lost her voice years ago from a cancer that gave her only a month to live and I know she longs to sing again. Her desire is for the fight to be done so that she can reach home.
I don"t begrudge her this desire to be finished here. So I prayed silently that God might be sovereign in her death as he has been in her life.
I kept near the phone all day, just in case.
By tonight I hadn"t heard anything, so after nine I headed back to the hospital to check up on her. She was still there. Her body having been trained for years to fight, unconsciously continued to battle. The breathing labored, hard. The tubes going into her arms, coaxing her back to the assumed land of the living.
I sat with her and said a quiet prayer, again for God"s will.
Then I left, pausing in front of the large window beside the elevator to bask in an amazing pink and blue sunset.
Days like these make me remember to stop and enjoy what I have, while I still can.
UPDATE: This morning I went to check up on her and as I touched her arm her eyes opened and she whispered something to me. I leaned in and asked her to repeat it, she whispered into my ear, "I'm Back."
Arnold has nothing on this lady.
I was wondering how it was going for her. I too have been praying that she will obtain the rest she has been longing for. She has fought long and hard. She needs to be whole again.
What spirit.