Saturday, June 10, 2006

I smell burnt toast...

Yeah, I"m tired.

I have two headaches, one on top of the other.

So naturally I took twice as many Tylenol, 4 es.

I can"t believe how I feel physically, from mental and emotional work.

Originally I was going to drive home tonight, and preach tomorrow morning.

I am so glad I changed that. Even if I got home I wouldn"t have anything profound to say, except blerb, bla, blub, goodnight folks.

Tomorrow early I begin my journey home.

That"s way way better.



  1. It's almost 5am where you are. I pray you've slept well and peacefully and your headache's gone.

  2. Thanx Toni,

    I woke up an hour after that and apart from a general tiredness, the head was clear.

    Hope you have a good one today.

    About 17 more sleeps...


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