Friday, June 09, 2006

The World Cup ...

Starts today!

And I am in meetings all day, and night.

A little pity over here please.


  1. Not pity - envy.

    You get a great reason to miss all those guys kicking an inflated bladder about.


  2. Oh, yeah! Now if Leo isn't watching baseball, all the other guys in my house will be glued to the World Cup matches. I'm glad I like soccer enough to tolerate this for the whole duration.

    Eric suggested to Patrick that he had better remember to let Massa off in time for the 5:00 match.

    This is big stuff - it used to be the only reason for the TV station in Gemena to get powered up.

  3. World what???? And here I thought it was a puck going around these days with a cup from Mr. Stanley......what do I know.

  4. Over the years have any you have found that you sporting perferences have changed.
    I used to be very anti-football, I mean worse than Toni, 22 gays kicking a pigs bladder between two fish nets in front of 50,000 people just so that they can kiss each other and get paid way over the odds for doing so, sort of thing but I find I am not so anti anymore, It is still not my preferred sport, but I will not turn it off if it's on the tv anymore.

    I still preffered watching the isle of man tt highlights on sunday, what great racing it was too.

  5. Ian, regarding the "22 gays" ... didn't Beckham marry a Spice Girl?


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