Friday, July 21, 2006

...worth a thousand words.

Well it"s taken me some time but I feel like I need some creative image at the top of this space.

My plan is to change it whenever I am in the mood. So yeah, I"m in the mood!

This prairie image is taken looking towards the East. Just out yonder is where my dad was born, in the family homestead. It"s taken from the graveyard. Kinda cool that he was laid to rest within eyeshot of his birthplace.

I think the image will change later on today as I begin my trek to Chicago.


  1. Maybe it is my eyes - but I see nothing. No prairie image. Nothing. Just a line with "A Personal Journal" under it.

  2. Thanks Linea - I was about to have my eyes checked!

  3. hmm, works on every machine and system I throw at it.

    i do notice that on explorer it doesn't process the space well, so you see the image and another half of the image.

    Try "Shift" and reload.


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