Monday, August 07, 2006

Holidays, Day one.

Of course, you know the first agenda item for our yearly vacation is our yearly vacational fight. Seems every year Lauralea and I have a knock down, drag out mis-communication, right during our break which adds oh so much fun to the holidays.

I think we have this one figured out, so it shouldn"t go much past now, but hey, why every year at the same time?

Anyway, that"s life I suppose.

Bring on two weeks of... difference.


  1. I think that "they" say what you have experienced is pretty commonguess we are more comfortable in our routines than in our differences.

    Maybe that is why Leo and I enjoy our separate holiday time. We each get to do things that we like most without having to suffer through pretending we enjoy stuff that the other likes way more than we do. I know I would have been horrified to think of doing this earlier on - you know, like what kind of a marriage is that where you take separate vacations!

    We definately fight less when we are apart. :)

    Hope your time turns out to be good - and fun.

  2. If you're using "yearly" in the same paragraph as "fight" you are given the coveted pedestal in my world. Well done.

  3. At our house, after 38 years of married bliss (wink, wink) we've got it down to 3 or 4 loud sentences each, an hour or so of silence and then it's done. We've figured that all of the in-between stuff doesn't do any good anyway. We just cut to the chase. Give yourselves a few more years of marriage. The argument should get a little more defined.

    Hopefully and Lord willing, we'll see you both on your return from vacation. :-)

  4. I always had these high hopes for holidays - peace, joy and harmony for all you know? There was always one grouchy kid and at least one fuming adult (usually me). If you find the answer to the peace and harmony thing pleeease let me know.

  5. what's a holiday without a little shouting and smoke-out-of-your-ears?? ;-)


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