Monday, August 14, 2006

Only in Saskatchewan

Tonight as I was running an errand for Lauralea, I was in the Superstore rounding a corner and I nearly bumped into a guy.

He stared at me a moment or two and I could see the insides at work.

“Hey,”? he asked, “Are you Randall Friesen?”?

“Yep I am”? was my deep thoughtful response.

Then he said the words that blow me away whenever this happens.

“I read your blog!”?

Then Doug introduced me to his wife Tara and their two boys.
They were just in town doing their shopping.

I suppose I"ll never be famous enough that we will have to go to Africa to have our babies, (mainly because we"re done having babies, but you get the point.)

But its cool to put faces to comments and other blogs I check out, out there.

His name is Doug Robertson, and he blogs from Tisdale Sask.

You remember Doug, he was the guy who wanted to see a picture of the rat warning sign I got in Chicago. (Ahh, now you remember!)


  1. No, I am sorry Randall, I don't remember.

    Did you change the look of your blog slightly? I think it's the blue.

    Oh and ten more days before I am finished work.

  2. It was good to meet you yesterday. Blessings.

  3. well i havent bean reading your blog lattly but i think your blog looks way better could you help me with my blog.

    yes i would think that would be cool to meet some one out of the blue who you dont now but they read your blog and read all about you.

  4. I was a church planter in Chicago and had one of those handsome rat signs in the alley next to our meeting space. Ahhh, yes. Thanks for the Memories.

  5. Now, wouldn't it have been REALLY cool if you'd bumped into Morgan Freeman at Superstore, and he told you that he reads your blog?! :)


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