Saturday, August 19, 2006

To everything, turn, turn, turn,

Tonight is the last Saturday night before Sunday that I have off. Tomorrow is my second and last Sunday off.

I feel like I have a treasure here. The mere option of going to any church I wish, makes me lightheaded. I mean, most Sundays out of the year I can"t choose which church to be a part of, but tomorrow I can. As it goes anyway, Lauralea and I will probably hit the little St. Georges Anglican just down the block. Some of our friends pastor there, and it"s always a treat to sit in a different service and worship God with different words and songs.

This weekend we are getting ready to send off our second daughter, Hillary. She is moving to Saskatoon for University which starts in a couple of weeks. I guess Monday we will load up the van with her stuff and move her down there. It"s only an hour and a half away, but still, it"s away.

I think we are all, (mostly her) looking forward to it. She needs to move out and on with her life, and we need to get on with ours. Tonight Lauralea and I got her some groceries for the first while.

And, with her too, so many things have fallen into place nicely. From being accepted to funding to grants and scholarships to a place to live, it all seems too easy. Today she finished her last day at Rona, her first and only job she"s had for a few years.

So, in one week, two girls gone. To say the hormonal balance in the home will shift dramatically is a complete understatement. But I am looking forward to being able to go to the washroom wearing whatever I have on, at any time of the day or night.

It"s all good, but there also seems to be some grieving going on around here. And it seems to be coming from the boys mostly. It"s interesting but I had never thought about their response to the girls leaving. The air around this place has been decidedly heavy this week. I suppose that"s kinda good too.

So yeah, hard to believe that for the first time in 19 years, we will have no little girls living with us.

End of an era.

Beginning of another.


  1. Feel free to give Hilary my number, in case she needs anything while she's here -- either in town or on campus. Now that I'm faculty (gasp), I may be able to help her out of any jams she runs into.

    Oh, and give your Lauralea lots of hugs for me. Empty nesting can be hard on mommas, or so I've heard.

  2. Thanks Becky, I appreciate it.


  3. Sounds like there is a lot of change going on. What is the Anglican church like in your area?

  4. Sounds like some great changes Randall. It may be heavy now, but when time has passed and you all look back I'm sure it will be with fondness and satisfaction! :)

  5. I know it's a big change, but I hope it makes it a bit easier knowing that I will do my best to make Hillary comfortable at the condo! :o) I'm glad that she's looking forward to moving in though.... it will be fun to get to know your "daughter #2" just as I have "daughter #1"!

  6. Hey Todd,

    The Anglican churches up here are really great, as in they keep the main thing the main thing. We get along well, no prob. Course it helps that the local vicar's wife is good friends with my wife.

    Lauren, actually it does help knowing that you are around. Thanks a bunch for that. It will be so interesting seeing how she does, first long time away from home.


  7. Great,

    I had heard that Saskatchewan was a good diocese. They have lots of problems, but they don;t come much better than a solid evangelical anglican.


  8. "But I am looking forward to being able to go to the washroom wearing whatever I have on, at any time of the day or night."


    Glad you had a good vacation.


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