Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wanted: One most excellent guitar player...

So it seems we have another guy heading to the big city for new adventures.

Matt, our worship team guitar player extrordinair is moving on Monday. And last night at our last practice together, some of the others brought cupcakes and apple pie, so we turned it into a party.

Prince Albert seems to be a place to be from, not always a place to go to. But we wish him the best and pray that everything will work out for him there.

So hey, we're looking for a guitar player...


  1. Preferably one who's up on the drummer lingo and who will tell me how to drum to a song when I don't know what to do, whether it should be half-time or straight, brushes or sticks, etc. That is my request.

  2. If it pays enough I'll emigrate - and Dixie knows we work well together already.


  3. It seems that I always miss the parties.

  4. Hey ... I need a guitar in Stoon. Would he be interested?

  5. Well, being the "Mom" of the guitar player, ya, I'll miss his most excellent playing too.....but it will be HIM I will miss the most.

  6. I recommend a certain Marc Vandersluys.

  7. Second Andrew's suggestion. He's a lot more local than me too.


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