Thursday, September 21, 2006

You may have noticed some changes

Congratulations with the bleeding obvious!

You can now see the comments without having to go onto any one post. Just click "Show comments," then "Hide comments."

You can see a "Cloud of Categories" on the side there. The bigger the font, the more entries there are in that category.

When you leave a comment, you can now preview it live, as you write it. This will help those of you who wish to use html code.

If you click on the images surrounded by a thin boarder, they will "Explode" and you can see them in their full goodness.

You can still send a note to  my cell phone, and contact me, or see some others who have voices, many better than mine.

Details. The beauty is in the details.


  1. border.

    unless someone skinny has moved into my old room and is paying rent...

  2. LOL @ Johanna.

    Hey, who's getting all smarty-pants with their CGI scripts then? No wonder you have to work so late on sermons ;)

    Nice though Randall - I especially like the 'live preview' window, that really IS cool.

  3. Nice. Love the photo thing.

    Now I am getting jealous.

  4. border. It was late and after a long meeting that I wrote the post, and that's my excuse. Although we could probably make some cash off your empty room...

    And I didn't have to spend much time on it. That's the beauty of wordpress. There are so many using it, and creating for it that all I had to do was use the template, created by someone else. Then add a few plugin's and there you go. Looking good.

  5. I dig it. In fact, I may want some of the features for my own blog. At any rate, it has inspired me...

  6. really like the whole comment thing. really cool


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.