Friday, November 28, 2008

Jeff Update

Just talked with him for a few moments, and many of you have been asking.

The surgery went ok, the "Largest herniated disk I ever saw" said the doctor.

Whether the damage is permanent or not, it remains to be seen. His left foot is tingling a bit today though so he's getting hopeful. But the journey to walking seems like it will be a while yet. He was up with a walker today a bit too.

His boss has assured him of his job whenever he gets back up and around, so thats good.

But still lots of scary stuff ahead, and a bit of a long road back, if its even doable. 

Which is why we are praying.



1 comment:

  1. We will continue to pray. It will be hard - the long road - and who knows what the path will look like. But it is so important to keep on going and not give up, especially with back pain. He and Heidi will need courage so I'll continue to pray for them.


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