Father tonight as the sky is still a pale blue here in the field there are these people I want to remind you of. Some of them are alone and lonely and just need to know that you are in the room with them. Would you fill their rooms with your glory please?
There are others who are uncertain because the future is uncertain. The days ahead look so very difficult to travel, and emotional and parental pain seems so close to the surface, even as close as the physical pain is. Father would you strengthen them this night and grant them and their families hope that will carry them through.
Father, some this night are just broken. In their bodies or in their hearts, in their marriages or relationships with their kids or their parents. Broken. Father put your gentle hands on them, touch the brokenness they are in the midst of just like you would touch the lepers. And as you tough them, heal them. Make them come alive again. Restore them even better than they once were. Be their healer God for you alone are able. You alone.
And for those who ache and hurt this night and day, be close to them father. Whenever they turn around, would you be there right in front of them? Would you surround them in a safe bubble and protect their hearts and their faith. Would you comfort them and grant them joy that runs deep beneath the turmoil that runs near the surface, and would you be their God Lord, whatever they need to see would you provide.
And for those who slumber and sleep this night, grant them a deep sleep and a safe rest. For those who will need grace in the morning, would you dispatch ministering angels who will, at your bidding, go stand beside them and care for them and strengthen them.
Father, may your kingdom come and may your will be done, in these homes and hearts and places empty of you, even as it is in heaven.
Thank you...and Amen.