Friday, July 23, 2010

Canola Blue

I leave the house for my office in the church some thirty steps away after a good visit over coffee and scones with friends, and the wind catches my attention. As I turn away from the gusts my eyes see the yellow through the wall of evergreens we have in front of the house acting as weather barriers, standing guard over our lives.

The yellow Canola is brilliant and draws me over. I know the camera is in my back pocket and I go, looking for the right window, the frame within which I will attempt to capture the right amount of blue and the right amount of yellow. The yellow Canola is up past my knees already so I move into the field only a few steps.

I snap three shots, each with varying amounts of sky. I know I could stand there and keep taking shots of this field. But for today I am disciplined and turn off the camera, tucking it back in my pocket and head back to where I was first going. My office.

Canola Blue


  1. A nice, simple pic and great use of clouds.


  2. Ahhhh....the prairies. Beauty!!!

  3. Incredible! I must say that I do miss them...


  4. At this point Heidi is trying to paint that picture. Looking good so far.

  5. Now that's cool.

    Make sure you take a picture when she's done and email it to me.

  6. ...and it seems to go on forever. Ahhh the prairies...
    ...would never know I grew up in the mountains.


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