Thursday, October 07, 2010

When will I die?

I took a test and the Internet, which seems to have an answer for everything, has an answer for my life span as well.

My When Will I Die Quiz results:

I have 29 years left to live.
I will die in 2039 at age 76.
I am behind the average lifespan for someone my age by 2 years.
To put it another way, I have the health of a 49 year old man.
I have lived 62% of my life already.


  1. So do you find this depressing or encouraging news?

  2. You have 30 years left to live.
    You will die in 2040 at age 79.
    You are beating the average lifespan for someone your age by 1 years.
    To put it another way, you have the health of a 48 year old man.
    You have lived 62% of your life already.

    C'est la vie I guess.

  3. Not sure I want to make it to 88. It does not predict my mental status.

  4. They have clearly heard about the longevity in my family...

    You have 55 years left to live.
    You will die in 2065 at age 91.
    You are beating the average lifespan for someone your age by 10 years.
    To put it another way, you have the health of a 26 year old woman.
    You have lived 40% of your life already.

  5. I think that the older I get the more I realize that its going to happen one day or the other, but it is going to happen.

    I suppose that also comes from seeing my grandparents and dad die. People who when I was small, I could never imagine them dying eventually died. So the reality is that it happens to the best of us.

    Silly games like these I think bring a sense of shock reality to the whole thing.

    Do I find it depressing or encouraging?

    I suppose at this point it's more or less it is what it is and the less I know of the actual date, the better.

    But when it says 29 years left, well dang that's not so much yet. I've got things to do, projects to complete, grand babies and great grand babies to hold, places to see. I still have to find out what I want to be when I grow up.

  6. I had to take it. Here are the results:
    I have 44 years left to live.
    I will die in 2054 at age 81.
    I am beating the average lifespan for someone my age by 4 years.
    To put it another way, I have the health of a 33 year old man.
    I have lived 46% of my life already.

  7. But then God calls. When we least expect it. When we think we have 29, 39, or 59 years left. When our work is done. Do we live like that or do we live like we have lots of time left yet?

  8. Sorry...I was being facetious; may have been lost in translation.

  9. I've come to realise that, culturally, Canadians have a very different view of death from Europeans - this became apparent particularly talking to Marc and Dixie. I've reached the stage where I think "I can do this for 5 more years" or "probably another 10 years of this left" or even "I can't do that any more".

    My body has begun the shutting down process, and although I'm quite fit and able as a 49 YO, it constantly reminds me that things will only get weaker and more painful as life continues.

    Maybe it helps I was introduced to death early on, with my maternal grand mother when I was about 7 or 8, grandfather's second wife when I was 16, then various others I've known (including a teenage suicide as the result of sexual abuse). To me, it's fine to die at a good age, or when life means continual pain, and when the time comes I want to embrace it and for my children, friends and loved ones to be happy for me that I can pass on to new life.

  10. You have 70 years left to live.
    You will die in 2080 at age 86.
    You are beating the average lifespan for someone your age by 10 years.
    To put it another way, you have the health of a 6 year old.
    You have lived 19% of your life already.

    i must have went wrong at the "how many times do you drink a day" and "what is your collage degree"


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