Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Words for a snowy, sore morning.

After a particularly difficult night, wherein I fall asleep very late and awaken early and feel like I've been in a barroom brawl the night before, I head to the office to start the day.

I fire up the old Sony internet radio and connect to Pandoras Peaceful Holidays Radio, (a real keeper in my opinion) and like a soothing medicine for my aches, one of my favourite simple tunes comes on, In The Bleak Midwinter.

The tune is simple, the words profound.

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign.
In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubim, worship night and day,
Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, whom angels fall before,
The ox and ass and camel which adore.

Angels and archangels may have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;
But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,
Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.

What can I give Him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;
Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart.

By Chris­ti­na Ros­set­ti

May your day hold some secret healing grace for your soul today as well.

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