Tuesday, November 29, 2022

My First Bible... Still Works

Yesterday I was called to the hospital because one of our elderly people is not doing well. I don’t think he will be with us much longer.

Anyway, I was getting ready to leave the house and I always take a Bible with me. That's so I can read some comforting verses, and pray with them and listen to them.  

This time I wanted to take a King James version Bible along, because he is 95 years old and dementia has crept up on him and I thought that version might be the biggest comfort for him. So I scanned our book shelf in the living room and I saw my old Bible. I grabbed it and off I went, and I was glad I had taken it.

This small Bible was the first Bible I ever received. I got it from mom and dad for Christmas in 1972 when I was nine years old. I realized that was 50 years ago.

I brought it in with me, and I read the 23rd psalm, and a passage from John 14; “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

The passages and the way the King James reads it seemed to be a comfort to him and his wife. And then with him hanging between two worlds, he started to mumble/sing the song, Jesus loves me. Even in his dementia, that song was written on his heart.

As I was driving home, I realized that that little Bible has been in my life for 50 years. And it is still being used in my life. It is still a gift to me.

Who would’ve thought 50 years ago that I would take it to the hospital to read to a dying friend.

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