Saturday, November 23, 2002

Getting it right at the start

Spending alot of time this weekend praying for and counselling a young couple from church.

It's reminding me how wonderful and how totally crappy it can be to be young. So much seems to ride on each decision we make.

When you're young it's like the early part of a space flight, (Trust me on this one!) You set the direction and if you're off by a degree or two, by the time you travel 100,000 miles, your way off course!

When you set the direction for your life, if you are off a few degrees, it can effect you for years to come.

One bad decision can lead to another which leads to another, each one getting easier to make on the way down the slope, till you're in a gutter someplace!

And one good decision each day leads you to a better and better place, till you look back at a blessed life and see that it's been a run of more good decisions made than of bad decisions made.

Well, may God help us to make the right decisions on the right days and save us from our bad decisions on the bad days.

...and may God help the couple I'm trying to help.

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