Saturday, May 24, 2003

Andrew Careaga interview

Thanks for your notes of encouragement. And thanks for praying. Alot of the heaviness lifted around 11pm last night, and our hearts were restored.

Now, onto the events of the day, I've got a couple to get married.

In the meantime, talk amongst yourselves. Or, if you are alone, check this out. Jordon Cooper, in conversation with Andrew Careaga, talking about churches and the world wide web.

1. If I was a church leader right now and wanted my church to impact the world for Christ via the internet, what are the most effective ways to do that?

My advice would be to get away from the notion that the Internet is all about creating a church website. It isn't. But that's what so many church leaders think. They seem more interested in developing a "cool" website for their churches than in getting down and dirty in the places and spaces of the Net where the people are.

There's nothing wrong with having a church website. But to reach people on the Internet, you have to go where they are. That means getting involved in the conversations occurring in online communities.

Church leaders would be better off investing their time in developing a weblog that reflects their personalities and gives voice to their beliefs, their worldviews, their philosophies, their interests, than in merely slapping the typical church website up on the Net. The Internet "space" where people meet and carry on conversations -- chat rooms, message boards, instant messaging, weblogs and the like -- seems to me to be the place where Christians ought to be.

I deeply agree. And this is one reason I do this.
The internet is more than a tool, it's a place, a meeting place and so much more.
Check out the rest of this interview, and learn a bit more about the internet today.

And let me encourage you to get telling your story in this place. We need to Be here too.

A good place to begin is with Blogger, a very cool tool to help you tell your story.

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