Friday, July 04, 2003

All is well

Well, we made it through the day, allot tired, but good.


The funeral went well. The family came for a viewing at 11 am, and after that I had prepared a small communion service just for them. It was kinda nice.


We got out to the Cemetery and I wasn't able to communicate with the piper when I wanted him to start, exactly, so I sent a funeral director to tell him to hit it, when the balloons were released into the air. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.  I was trying to complete a statement about what the balloons actually represented in the whole thing, and The Piper just let er rip. I'm yelling this sentimental stuff as loud as I can, while still trying to sound sincere. I wondered what he was doing so far away, then he started playing. Oh brother, it was loud.


The kids released the balloons into the air, and they went into the trees! They fought for freedom, most got loose and headed for the sky as The Piper wailed away over yonder on Amazing Grace.


But all in all it was a nice day. This is the part of pastoring that I like, walking with people through these difficult moments of life. They are moments when you can make a huge impact on peoples lives and they will remember you, for good and for bad. I've had some real neat opportunities to speak into peoples lives as a result of meeting them through a wedding or funeral.


So, that's today.


Tomorrow I gotta get ready for Sunday. This week left me short one day, plus the funeral I worked on, now leaves me with tomorrow to plan Sunday. Hmm, it's Communion Sunday so I won't have lot's of time to preach. Where should we go...

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