Friday, July 04, 2003

Farters Beware

K, you think you've heard it all? Noooooo you haven't. Ananova reports this:

School bans farting in public

A Chinese school has introduced a new rule to ban pupils from farting in public.

Children caught breaking wind at Hu Zhuang Elementary School in Beijing are fined about 50p.

Zhang, a school teacher, said: " We use the regulation to help students get rid of their bad habits. And nobody has been fined so far."

However, not all of the teachers agree with the new rule, reports Sina News.

Gao, a senior teacher, said: "To form good habits is important. But according to Department of Education regulations, schools have no right to fine."

The school has also introduced rules forbidding pupils to drop litter or cough without covering their mouths.


I know some people who could benefit from a semester or two at Hu Zhuang High!

Thanks Darren for the link. (I think)

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