Saturday, July 12, 2003

Ding dong, Jehovah's Witnesses calling

"They" were at my door again this morning.

They shared some scripture, placed it within my context as a caring father, encouraged me, left me some stuff to read, and were gone. Nice job, evangelistically speaking.

They "Remembered" my name from the last time they went past the house. They "Remembered" what I had been doing, how my kids were involved, what they had shared with me the last time. Last time was last year!!!

That blew it right there. "AH HAH" I wanted to holler "You just blew it!" "You're not a caring friend who dropped in to see how things were going, you're keeping notes on me and my family. You've got records on my choices and interests, my name and my kids. I'm a number in your book, your database, not your buddy!"

At least, that's what I was gonna say, then they were gone.


A lesson to me, on how not to save souls.

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