Saturday, July 12, 2003

Tears of the Sun

I saw this movie yesterday. I needed Kleenex.


The reviews it received when it first came out were less than favourable, I think around 36% of reviewers thought it was any good. But then I looked at their reviews. Most were about the quality of the movie making etc. Toss that lot out.


Some of the reviews were against the pro-American, black Africa cheering US policy, political kinds of views the movie espoused. And, I can agree with allot of that.


But, the biggest impact for me was the story, the visuals, the images. We hear these things happen on the dark continent, but we never have a front row seat. And yes, I understand that some of the plot and setup for the movie were just to unreal to believe, but I'm willing to accept that. The trade off was seeing and hearing some of the things that do happen there.


Of course, the thing that brings it all home is the fact that I have some of those Africans as friends. One still has the physical bullet wounds and the emotional scars of a husband shot in front of her. We're still trying to get her 12 yr old daughter out of Africa.


I would like to show this movie to the church. With all it's language and violence and evil. With it's ability to twist and make the wrong seem right and the right turns into wrong. I would like them to catch a glimpse of what our brothers and sisters are living through, over there.


Maybe it would motivate us to action.


  1. I'd like to post a warming comment on how we can make a difference by praying for these people or sending money, but I really don't think that's helpful. Sure, praying for them is great, but it's only like nibbling at the iceberg with long handled clippers.

    My initial reaction to such evils is a mix of horror and wanting to hide. But my belief is that it's only as we seek to make God's kingdom real here on Earth that we'll ever see a change. And if we want to see God's kingdom there then it'll be our blood and our children/husbands/wives that will be getting shot before it happens. I doubt I could make that sacrifice, but if it comes to it, I just pray that God's grace will be sufficient.

  2. I think it would be a good idea to show this movie but it might be hard to sit through it. It is likely more real in some aspects than we would like to think although the plot may be a bit unreal.

    I think we can act. Friends and the church in Africa need to know they are not forgotten. We may only be nibbling away at an iceberg - sort of like the mice nibbling away at Aslan's cords. But great things can happen if we persist. I do my little part. The eventual greatness of our little actions will have to be left to God. Like the bags of gold in our lesson today it is not acceptable in Gods sight to do nothing with whatever he has given us.

  3. That sounded rather like I was suggesting prayer wasn't of value, which I realised after reviewing my comments on the way to bed. Woops - think first before engaging fingers! I do firmly believe that God will act to change situations through intersession. However for us to commit to intersession we also need to hear God's heart on these issues and catch his love for these people. Rather like it seems Randall has.


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