Wednesday, July 09, 2003

What kind of an animal are you?!

Well well well, at least I'm not a bunny.

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla


Go take the test, and leave a comment with what you are. I especially want to hear from the gerbils, bunnys, and unicorns out there.

Lunch is over, back to work.



  1. Ended up a crow - twice just to make sure. How unflattering! I think I'd rather be a gerbil! But there don't seem to be any of those.

  2. I am a badger. That's not a totally bad thing I guess. I also took the Book of the Bible quiz a while back. I was Leviticus. Leviticus? Who the heck is Leviticus? I took it 3 times. Still Leviticus. I am Leviticus the Badger. Stay out of my way.

  3. I am a bear. Apparently that means I am really patient and lovable. (It also means I am extremely lazy and have a secret nasty temper.) Now may I have your pik-a-nic basket?

  4. Good grief, what does a Leviticus do???

    A Badger, a Bear, a crow and a wolf. What a menagerie!

  5. Looks like you're married to a badger! Don't know what that makes our kids!?! Lauralea.

  6. Like Linea, I ended up a crow. Not at all sure the comments fit particularly well though. And the choices..... there should be a 'none of these' button.

  7. Another badger. Hmmmm ... not too flattering!!!


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