Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Long day

What a day.

8 - 10  Coffee and a visit.
10  - 12 Staff meeting
12 - 2  Coffee and a visit.
2 - 2:30 Bathroom break.
2:30 - 5 Coffee and visit.

I met with a person in their fifties, a person in their 60's, a person in their 40's and a person in their 20's. 

The hardest visit by far was the one about the direction the church is headed and my inability to pastor this church in the direction they want it to go. They just are fed up with "Our direction." And, they don't have all the information right either, so there you go.

The other connections made up for it, but, you know, it always tears a bit off of life when you give er all you've got and someone, somewhere just isn't pleased with your effort.

Anyway, I'm on a caffeine buzz right now so I'm going to go chill out a bit.



  1. Well, I, ah - don't suppose you'd want to - ah - go out for coffee tonight, eh?

  2. Hey, every 30 minutes I'm going to the washroom like I haven't gone all day!!!

  3. Randall - you can please some of the people some of the time.....

    Legitimi non carborundum (don't let then grind you, even though their parents WERE married ;-)

  4. Just keep doin' what you're doin'. There are those who just want to lead and have you follow. NOT SO!!! Just keep leading and WE will follow. I believe that is your mandate as a Pastor. Keep up the extra-ordinary work! and chill out....

  5. Hmmm, "Legitimi non carborundum" could make a nice Tattoo, right on my ... free space!


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