Monday, September 29, 2003

Midtown Madness 2


One of my personal weaknesses, besides Fudge, is a computer game called Midtown Madness 2.

In it you drive around San Francisco or London in the car of your choice. Or you can play against another driver, over the internet, chasing after a chunk of gold etc. It's a blast.

Anyway, I've been thinking if any of you out there are familiar with this little piece of joy, we should run a Midtown Madness 2 night. I could host the game and we could go at it for a while.

So, if this means anything to you, leave a comment. I'm curious if anyone knows what I am talking about. 

Let me know. We could have a crazy evening of driving. 


  1. Oh. good grief! You boys and your toys!

  2. Sounds like your #1 daughter is DRIVING you on to TOTAL madness.....give it up son, give it up!!!!! hee hee

  3. I understand, but driving games never hit the spot for me (being beaten all the time by Boy Wonder hasn't helped either). I prefer to go round trashing the (virtual) countryside in a hundred tons of Daishi mech ;-)


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