Saturday, December 06, 2003

Going home

I don't know what time zone you read this in, but over here I'm still doing Saturday.

I've been at my office, working all day, getting ready for tomorrow. Usually it's not so bad, but this week I did a funeral for a local funeral home, and the family turned out to be quite broken. Took alot of time and energy helping them. It wasn't nice. But today I got a call from them thanking me for the wonderful help I'd been. I confess I don't get alot of those calls.

Then too, tomorrow afternoon we are having a baptismal service. It's been a while since I've done one of those, and being a bit of a detail guy, I've been working on the details all day.

We've borrowed a cow water trough from the Nazarene church here in town, and set it up to dunk those wanting it. We set it up on Friday and got a real scare. We set it up and put some water in it, then went for lunch. When we got back, half the church stage was soaking wet, we started to freak out just a bit. Then I saw that the water seemed to be coming from a Pointsetta plant on the stage. The problem was that this plant was plastic!! I found out the cleaning team had been through and had watered all the plants. That was to close for comfort.

Anyway, Johanna is one of the kids getting baptized. (When did she grow up and get a life of her own?) There are enough downsides to having your dad as your pastor, but I hope this is one of the upsides.

I hope the day goes well.

If you think of us, send up a note or two to God.





  1. I don't know if it looks better, but it does look cleaner!!


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