Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas

So, I got caremellos and 2 DVD's and "The Italian Job" computer game, and a door hanger, and slippers, and a Classical CD, and a chocolate bar, and a ....

it's not bad when the kids get older and get jobs and are able to buy you cool things too.


Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Agreed.

    Jabberwocky (Python classic) Wish you were here on CD and a couple of flight sims.

    Oh, and a few bottles of nice booze - Whiskey (1 Jamesons, 1 Teachers) Port, Apricot Brandy and some Gluwine.

    We've finished dinner an hour or so ago. Ben's PC has been upgraded successfully (and he's upstairs fragging in Serious Sam). Sarah has watched Pirates of the Caribbean (she's draming of Orlando Bloom). Chris is happy with the Queen DVD I bought her (doesn't know about the jumper yet - waiting to give it when we go to the outlaws for a delayed Christmas get-together) and I'm about to show my mother the Opitec website (wonderful German crafts company).

    Got to go - Chris has just walked in.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  2. Hope you had a great Christmas. I know at my house it was quite packed with happy people. Merry Christmas to you all!!


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