Friday, December 19, 2003

Party at the Pastor's

Party cam

Welcome to our yearly "Party at the Pastor's", we're glad you could be here!

If you are able, come and join us, from 2-4 this afternoon or from 6-9 tonight. The food will be happening, the fire will be burning out in the back yard, and people will be partying. (1179 4th St. East. Prince Albert, Sk. Canada)

Our plan is to share this day with whoever cares to join us, even over the internet.

We will be attempting to load a new picture every minute, so hit reload on your browser to see the next picture. (Hit "Ctrl" and your reload button)

If you are within range (about a 5 house limit from our house) you can also pick up some Christmas tunes we will be broadcasting on 97.2 Friesens FM.

So, if you can join us, that's great. But if you can't, just get some warm apple cider, some shortbread, and cozy up to the screen. We'll try to include you in the party.


  1. Is it really that dark at 10.30 am? Looks like night time to me, although it IS dark her right now (4.05 pm).

    Have a good party. May drop by later tonight.

  2. I'll be seeing you soon :)

  3. Have a great night Randall. Ontario is just a bit too far from Saskatchewan so although my body isn't there, my heart is. And thanks for your comments on my site. We are feeling much better!

  4. Is that Leighton sat in the chair at about 5.00ish?

    It's been hectic here. Our kids had their yoth group Christmas party, all in fancy dress. I just go back from delivering them, sat down to dinner when the power went off. Not the candlelit meal I wanted. Then out to catch the first set of a friends local pub gig. Chris then went off to collect the children, brought them back to the pub while the set finished, then back home again. Hopefully they'll be ready for bed by now.

    Have a good time this evening. I'm off to bed soon - want to get my first ride in tomorrow since I've been ill.

  5. Toni;

    Yeah that was Leighton! He showed up from Saskatoon for the day. Too cool.

    Anyway, we're waiting for supper to arrive.

    Hope you're sleeping well.


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