Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Alone in a crowd

You can tell that summer's nearly here by how many kids are hanging around the place!

Now, let it be clearly stated that I understand that my life's work involves working with people. Let it also be understood that I love my family, dearly. I, however, am just not one of those people who gets energized by spending time with people. I get energized often by being alone, or with a good friend, like Laura.

This is how it is, and so I have built these quiet spaces into my life to help me resort my life, weekly. After a busy Sunday, I take time to recuperate, to get quiet and still for a while. Usually by Tuesday I'm good to go again.

Well, summer is on the way and everybody is around, so I have to rethink these quiet times and places in my life again.

Yesterday I wasn't very great at it, at all. By evening Lauralea had gone out to a Shakespeare play with a friend, I had Micah tucked safely into bed, and we were done blowing our noses over the Flames loss. So, sitting around feeling the business of the household, I had a rare opportunity to take off to see a movie.

Usually there isn't any great movies in this town, but last night I caught the late show, "The Day After." It was good. The theater was mostly empty and I ended up by myself, which turned out good too.

Driving home in the cold and rain and dark, it dawned on me that alone places are harder to find than ever.  I was pleased to find some quiet space, in a theater, and He was there too.

I suspect that that's why some large churches are great too. It can be a great place to go and be alone, where God is.



  1. Hey Randall, that post cracks me up - it sounds so much like me - my wife thinks it's nuts for me to go a movie by myself - I think it is wonderful!

  2. Lauralea thinks me kinda weird too!


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