Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Ahem, someone ran an Internet search for Partygirls, and was directed to my site.

They were taken to this page where I talk about and show pictures of party girls.

I wonder if it blew the mood for em.




  1. So maybe that accounts for the 200+ hits on my site yesterday!

    Party Girl - what an apt description!

  2. We do party well together, don't we Linea, especially at Christmas! Don't forget, only 87 days til Christmas.......I'm playing on my CD at work "Let It Snow".....folks here just don't understand me..........either.......

  3. I'm sure Linea and Sharon are great fun together.

    Erm, maybe not *quite* like that though.

    Blanks mind quickly and gets back to work ;-)

  4. Sometimes people look for "poly-orgasmic" and stumble unto this post[http://mindismapping.blogspot.com/2003/12/there-is-more.html] from my blog.

    I wonder how they react to the irony!

  5. That's a cheap trick to draw traffic to your site.


    Now, what key words can I use for even greater effect? :-0


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.