Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Old Connections

Tonight we had supper with some old and dear friends from Winnipeg.

It was great to see them again. They were pastoring a church in Altona, Manitoba for a bunch of years, and now they are, or he is the Executive Director for the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference.

When I was growing up those kinds of leadership positions were held by great old Godly men. Now it seems like it's our generation's turn to run things, to be the leaders in churches and denominations and organizations and things. And it freaks me out just a little.

But, they have a heart as big and loving as any I've met, perfectly made for the ministry they've been called to.

It was good to see them again. Very good.



  1. I find it interesting how perspectives change as we both mature and draw closer to people. I have come to the conclusion that there are no 'great men', but only those that are willing to submit to God's will. That isn't to knock those that have done great things, but more a recognition that pedestals were made to be fallen from. Even the best of us is 'only human'.

  2. I like that, "pedestals were made to be fallen from."

    And perspective is just about everything.


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