Thursday, October 07, 2004

So, how come

when I wore this Tshirt I got like 3 comments?



  1. I would say that being brave enough to post that 'other' T shirt pic proves your balls are bigger.


  2. Wow, t-shirts can be so subversive!

    Actually, I think the "we suck" shirt is just as stupid as the proposed "we are great" shirt because I know enough pomergent people to know that they take great pride in pretending that they have no answers (when deep down they really believe they are theologically brilliant for being so humble), much like the established churches take pride in how well they've already arrived.

    Whew! Too bad THAT statement wouldn't fit on a t-shirt.

  3. P.S. My favourite "DOH!" t-shirt has to be the one that some female friends wear that says, in TINY LITTLE LETTERS

    "Stop staring at my boobs."

  4. Well, there is only so much one can appropriately say about the "balls" shirt. Assuming that is the royal "ours" for all Canadian men? Or just Canadian football fans?

    Most women would just say "oh, just let men have their little fantasies". Cause there are some things we don't much care about.

  5. References to body parts don't generally bother me. Same goes for references to excrement etc. I am most offended by the taking of the Lord's name in vain. (I find it amusing that sometimes my co-workers, knowing that I follow Jesus, will apologise if they use scatalogical expletives, which I find harmless, but not if they take God's name in vain, which I find offensive). Likewise because I have a high view of the marriage bed, sexual references offend me. I suppose that one could argue that this CFL motto is a sexual reference, but I saw it as an anatomical reference. Besides, being concerned about truth vs. lies, I'd like to point out that our balls really are bigger.

  6. hee hee....see? Slang and innuendo can be fun!

  7. double-entendre is what I meant, not innuendo...or are they the same thing?

  8. Double Entendre: An ambiguity with one interpretation that is indelicate

    Innuendo: An indirect (and usually malicious) implication

    (courtesy of a niftly little program called "WordWeb")

  9. Thank you...whoever you are...


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