Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Blogger has new clothes

Time for some new threads.

Actually, Saturday night while I was driving the 7 hours back from Calgary, I rebuilt the site in my head. It's what kept me awake. So let's see where the dragons be. If you find some area not working, le'me know alright?


In a nod to my purple lovin friend, Leighton, I've made the dates and titles a lovely shade of, ...eggplant.



  1. Clear, easy to read, simple. Nice.

  2. I don't like plane. I like plain.

  3. I happen to know that eggplant is his favorite veggie, too! (heh, yeah right) ;)

    I'm still reeling from that post below this one -- yikes! I do like the design, though.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Definitely an improvement! Here's to mental clarity! *smile*


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.