Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Creating Space

I changed my blog look last week for a few reasons. I'm not done with it yet, but for now it's going to do fine.

I need the White Space it provides. The simple approach, the uncluttered look that it offers. I need the border too, as a limit to the White Space.

I need, I crave White Space in my life right now. No lines, no clutter, just wide open spaces, with an expectation of a limited border, just to hold me together, in which to live my life.

My days can get hopelessly cluttered, filled with events and activities that have little life, and rare, if any meaning. I need to remember that I am called as a Minister of Christ, more than I am called to be a minister of the Church. And as such, my contacts and activities can have deep meaning and life if I am ministering Jesus.

I want a Spirit full to overflowing with White Space -pages on which my life will be written. Whole pages and chapters about and with my children, my wife, my friends and family and church and God. Pages of dreams fulfilled, friends loved, family enjoyed. Pages of quiet conversations shared in the dark, with God.

My hope is in God who alone erases the stains of sin from my book, written daily.

I am forgiven. I am free, freer than I've ever known. Still the peace only rests as I rest, in Him.

And this Advent I want to rest in Him. To watch and wait. To simplify and unclutter. To make room, for Him.

And He will come and fill the White Space, the pages, the chapters, with verse after verse of the Words of Life. He will fill my Story with His.

This Advent, I want to create a wide open space in my life for Him to move in and create life in.

It will be amazing.


  1. There's someting about "whiteness" isn't there? Emptyness. Voids. Down Time.

    It is something that I crave, also, ...but,... at the same time, feel compelled to fill. Even as a child, I yearned to be the first one to step onto the newly fallen snow. To be there before anyone else. To leave a mark. To feel important? Is it about my inate desire to be noticed? ... recognized? ... praised? ... Or is it about my desire to control EVERYTHING? To change something so that it matches my plan? To write my own future?

    How can I proclaim that I allow Jesus to lead, but then also feel compelled to "fill the pages" and mar the snow? To feel uncomfortable when there is "nothin' goin' on"?

    I wonder what Jesus' footsteps would look like in the snow. Would I recognize them? Would they look like mine? Would I follow? I hope I would.... but..... as I look at the falling snow, why do I feel a need to run outside and make snow angels?

  2. Nicely put Jodine.

    Now, go make some snow angels.


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