Friday, January 14, 2005

Alright already...

Right, so this place has been a little silent as of late. I think I haven't wanted to come here and just be all negative, but I'm gettin old, so if I wait for a happy day, well, I may never write again!

And to be clear, the positive in these days have been the people connections I've had. Generally, ministry time and visiting time with people has been an encouraging thing.

I think most of my heaviness has come from stresses that add up.

I have about 5 major points of "Organizational stress" I'm facing right now. Organizational, administrative things I need to take care of, but they don't come easily to me, so they are points of major stress.

Trying to be present for my family, while my head is trying to carry that stress means that I'm short tempered and impatient when they surprise me with extra demands. I hate that I am like that.

Receiving word that a favorite uncle will soon be done his life on this planet, and he's only in his mid 60's.

And the cold. It's so cold right now. As one of my friends from America's south said to me the other day, "Why, oh why do people need to live in such a place...!" Which is a question I've been asking a long time.

I suppose the bigger question is why don't we just shut life down when it's so freaking cold. Why don't we close the stores and schools and stay in safe warm places drinking warm drinks and reading books.

The cold is a stress too. Manageable  when the other stresses of life are not to bad, but in times like these, well, death to the cold!

Then the cars. Last week the kids got to school and the car wouldn't shut off. So, the driver did what any sane high school student would do. She left it running and went into class! After the office noticed that great clouds of smoke and steam were pouring out from the hood, they called her down. To make a very long stressful story short, it involved me and a funeral, and a broken van in the shop, and just about some bad words, but we got it home, and running again.

This morning, it's -35C, before windchill, out there, and as I'm driving down the road, my brakes go away on me. No brakes. And tomorrow I need to be in Saskatoon.

To top it all off nicely, I spent four hours with my grade 5 son last night, trying to help him do his homework that he hadn't done all week and now was due the next day. After the stern discussion using plenty of the "fail" and "Grade 5" words over and over, we got at the work. What blew me away was that I was having a good deal of trouble doing the work. It was 4 pages of wordsearches for pete's sake. Easy peasy, but I couldn't do it. The word's were not included, so you had to find words in the maze of letters, but good grief, I thought I may have been having a stroke or something. So I sat there while he asked me, "Is such and such a word??" Later on, Lauralea came home and took one look at it and pointed out any number of words in it we had missed. If these kids didn't have her around, they'ed be in a class for the kids of challenged fathers.

Sigh. It's all just been getting the better of me. I'm waiting for it to get better, praying, hoping... It may just be the dead of winter thing, along with the cold, but it is getting the better of me I guess.

But I am still here, barely. Life continues on at seeming breakneck speed, and I am beginning to make choices more in line with my gifting and calling. To do the things that I do well, and leave the rest to others with those gifts.

So at least I am learning something. And the people stuff I do is going well, and it's an encouragement to me. And I'm enjoying having CBC Radio 2 on in the car and office. And spring is coming... not.

Let's not get carried away with too much positivism here eh.


  1. You do write what we are all feeling sometimes. "a class for the kids of challenged fathers" or mothers as the case may be. I've been there - or maybe I should say my kids have been there.

    And hang in there - spring is coming. The sun rose this morning and it sure is pretty out there - if you can see it through your frosted glasses.

  2. It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!. Spring that is! We have 30 minutes more daylight in the evening and 7 in the morning! That's gotta mean something!

    And the cold - we've had it for at least a year - right? So it's gotta break soon! I hear you loud and clear! And I don't have to fight it that much! But I keep thinking that in two more weeks we have to get a break!

    Oh well, like Linea said the sun is beautiful - as I look out on it from my warm house!

    Keep on keeping on! We'll beat it soon!

    We should even lick the grade 5 homework! I hope! I've been a little more encouraged with that part of life lately, but our grade 5 homework had a long way to go right from the beginning! Prayer does help some!

  3. Thinking of you, right now.

  4. OK Randall. Get yerself some long underwear. Get some thick socks. Then get a pair of snowpants, or a snowmobile suit (although I do not prefer those as you really can't do anything worthwhile in them). And put on a couple of layers of sweaters and a WINDPROOF coat. Then...go outside and shovel some snow, or go for a very quick walk/do an errand on foot. I guarantee you WILL feel better about this cold thing. You might want to keep the snowpants on all day, or especially when you are driving around. It really does empower you (I knew you'd like that word!) Finish the day off with a hot shower.

    And this coming from a Brit;)

  5. ..and I don't want to hear ANYTHING about snowpants being 'uncool'. I actually convinced my boy to walk his regular walk to school this morning wearing snowpants. Yeah I really did! Uh huh, and the windchill was -48 up here too. Actually I would get them girls of yours walking--it might save on the car repairs;)

  6. Speaking of snowpants, when I was in grade 2 I actually wore my snowpants as pants (it's in the name, is it not?!), meaning it was snowpants, underpants, skin. I hadn't realized that the teachers required us take them off while we were in the school. It was a bit embarassing to whisper to my teacher that taking my snowpants off wasn't such a good idea.

    Sometimes you need to take a deep breath, and just sit somewhere by yourself and think or pray or just sit. Stare out into the world. Relax.

    Anyway, we're all thinking about you.

    CBC Two is great to have, isn't it? I wonder how long they'll keep interrupting the music/news with an explanation of what the station is?

    Can we credit you with single-handedly bringing CBC Two to Prince Albert?

  7. Ahem, ok, the next person who sends a txt msg to my cell saying "At least there are no mosquitoes" you're off my christmas card list!!!



    I'm way past worrying about what's cool and am much more into worrying if the car will make it.

    And I am able to stay warm, till I take off my mitts to put oil in the car etc. But I'm more commenting on the extra demands the cold places on our lives. Just takes alot of thought and energy.

    Marc. I agree with you. "Sometimes you need to take a deep breath, and just sit somewhere by yourself and think or pray or just sit. Stare out into the world. Relax."

    Thanks for listening to my carrying on.

  8. OK, sorry Randall, I DO hear you. I think when "life" throws stuff at us PLUS it's cold, then the cold is easier to complain about because others might not "get" the other stuff as readily.

  9. Don't stress out too much about feeling challenged in the "search wordedness" department of grade 5. You will get letter home today, saying that that assignment caused more stress to most grade 5 parents than to the grade 5's themselves. Perhaps it was a lofty (STUPID) assignment that didn't acomplish what had been hoped.

    So sorry to add to your mental anguish last week!!

    A sorry teacher!!

  10. Janet really! You want us to walk to school? it's not a pleasant little gambol in the park, it's an hour-long trek! With two full binders; a backpack full of lunch and textbooks; and it's not just the girls who'd have to go. We'd make a regular train, three of us in a row, plodding our way through the snow. tut tut. completely unreasonable. I'd much rather keep my fat to keep me warm, thank you. The more I walk, the more I lose, the colder I get. It's just not sensible.


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