Friday, January 14, 2005

You're not going to believe this...

So, given this blue funk I've been in, and some of your "very encouraging words," I though I may end up like this for a long time, then I got home.

Now, I may still be in a bit of a state, but Dean is trying his very best to move me up to higher ground, and I am very grateful.

You remember Dean don't you? He was the guy who won the Jet's Jersey from McDonalds last year.
And after I entered ton's of times, Dean won it.

Turned out I knew Dean from town. He's always been a pretty cool guy, but today it turned out he was not just cool, he's one awesome dude.

I got home and guess what was sitting here waiting for me, yep, the Jet's Jersey, still mounted in it's plastic case.

So, here's to Dean, and people like him. People who live out what they believe.

Thanks Dean. It will be well loved and always have a home here.


  1. You're very welcome.

    Nothing better than to find a home for something where it will be greatly valued.

  2. Originally posted by Randall:

    "Saturday, March 06, 2004

    Ah yeah, we lived in Winnipeg from 89-98 and I remember going to the 7-11 the day of the game and you could get nosebleed seats for $7.00. So Lauralea and I would go.

    Remember Hawerchuck and Thomas Steen, Fredrik Olausson, and Dougie Smail, Dave Ellett and Teppo Numminen, Laurie Boschman, Randy Carlyle, Bob Essensa, Stephane Beauregard and Scott Arniel, Phil Housley, Ed Olczyk.

    And I remember the day Domi came to play... brings a tear to my eye."

    For the record, I think I have most of those guys' cards. I should take a li'l looksie.

  3. You guys still remember the Jets! Wow! You've got a better memory than we do. It's all a part of our plan to undercut Canadian culture. First we buy up all the hockey teams, move them south, and then we cancel the game. Zippo -- the Canadian sport is forgotten history -- except for a few die-hards who cling to relics. Since we've now grown weary of hockey we're thinking about buying up the next Canadian sport. Quick, hide your brooms and stones! :-(

    Glad you've got the jersey. Perhaps the Jets will come to their senses, realize that the desert is no place for hockey -- and return home to where they belong.

  4. [...] a bit and a beautiful cool autumn breeze is clearing out the old air. Of course I’m wearing my Jets Jersey, because I can, and downstairs the Ten Thousand Villages shop is open for Christmas [...]


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