Sunday, January 16, 2005


what I wore to church today.

Uh huh, I did too.

Led worship in it, preached in it.

It was all good!


  1. The jersey?

  2. Slippers!?! Its been a cold, slipper kinda day.

  3. Leave me hangin' or what! Where's the pics?

    - Harv

  4. Yeah, Marc, the jersey - but he took it off to eat chili.

  5. Oh yeah, The Jersey was worn this morning, in all it's blue, white and redness.

    Very sweet indeed.

  6. There's just something about an "over 40" kind of guy with an "under 20" kind of look on his face........made me feel almost as happy as you, to see you grinning from ear to ear, preaching the Word in your finery......I wonder if God is trying to get those Jets back up here too - just for you.???

  7. Obviously the jersey is a significant symbol of grace, but I'm wondering if you'll wear it more than the stole that you received at your transfer of ordination? (I suppose you wouldn't wear your stole while eating chili either)


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