Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Ministry of Grace

Friday, after I had posted that piece on my general discouragement, the day proceeded to get worse. By the time 5:30 came around and my car had lost all it's breaking ability, and it was colder than a polar bear's nether regions, I returned home. Somewhat incredulous at what would be next.

When I got home, surprise! The ministry of God's grace was applied to me. It came through a most unlikely medium, a shirt. Well, to be more exact, it came through a jersey. When I saw that thing, it was pure grace applied to my soul. It was that I was loved, that God knew my address and my desires. That he was well aware of my situation, and that it would be ok. Good even.

The stresses didn't go away, the van was still broken, but that was ok. God knew.

Then, Saturday morning arrived. I awoke at 5:30 am and I couldn't get back to sleep. The day was pressing in on me and I was concerned. I needed to get to Saskatoon for a meeting and it was nearly -40C. I wasn't sure about the car.

As I couldn't sleep any longer I got up and fussed around a bit. I was able to get the car running, but it made me a little late for an 8am meeting I was to attend to.

After the meeting and some errand I had to run for family members, I was trying to finalize if I should attempt a run to Saskatoon for the meeting I had planned for the day. The cold would surely test the car, but I thought I might be able to make it. I stopped for gas, and steam began to rise from the hood. Sigh.

It turned out to be a small leak in the rad hose. I got into the car, with a "now what" going on in my head.

While all this was going on, my cell phone rang, it was Lauralea. Someone had called her and they knew I needed to get to town. They also knew about my vehicle challenged lifestyle. They had offered their vehicle to me to use for the day.

More grace applied to my life. More of God, more peace, more love, more grace.

So, I took their auto to Saskatoon for the day, and had a wonderful, warm, safe ride. My meeting was very very encouraging. I left feeling hopeful and blessed and watched out for, for the first time in a long time.

I returned home with a lighter heart than I've had for a very long time.

Oh, and when I got home and went to pick up the car with a hole in the rad hose? Well, the people who had the car while I used theirs, had decided to change my broken rad hose, for a new one. 

More and more grace. More and more of God and his love.

I am overwhelmed, undone, grateful. I am a man who has experienced so much undeserved Grace in his life this week.

What can you say to Grace except thank you. Again and again, thank you Father.

And thank you to Dean and to Phil and Janet and Claude and Leighton and Mom and Dad, who were conduits of God's grace this weekend. Whether they knew it or not. Thank you. 


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