Friday, March 04, 2005

I've got a bad case of meeting hangover today

Had a long meeting last night, and only got home after 11. Tried to go to bed but the good adrenaline was still shooting through me, so I got up and wondered around the house for a while. Made a bacon sandwich, and watched the new Law and Order series. It could be a good one.

Fell asleep sometime after 2:30.

There really is nothing like burnt porkfat on bleached white bread to make you feel alive!

Maybe it's a bacon sandwich hangover I've got.


  1. My Dad used to pour the leftover bacon fat over a slice of bread and eat it; I thought he was nuts. Still do.

    Come to think of it, Mom used to make a delicious sandwich spread out of it, too. Not sure what all of the ingredients were; I imagine there was a lot of some kind of syrup in there somewhere.


    Must be a remnant of the use-anything-possible days of WWII (which they both lived through in Holland).

  2. Oh man, last week I had the best bacon-based meal EVER. and the bacon toast is DELICIOUS. Have you ever tasted it Marc? It is divine. We made bacon (tons and tons and tons of it) then fried eggs in the fat, then fried bread in it. Wow. that toast was the best toast I've ever tasted. As good as garlic toast.

    you should really try it.

  3. Man, I can just see the cholesterol collecting as I type.

    My Dad used to talk about the bacon fat (ie: lard) sandwiches he used to take to school in the depression years. My mom used to collect it to fry other things in later. We were big bacon lovers in our house.

    I just don't like the messyness of frying it and having to clean up all that spattered grease in my own kitchen - besides the guilt factor.

  4. CRACKLES....nothing better than crackles.

    they are little pieces of bacon in fat, and you fry them up and then sop them up with bread, white bread is best.....mmmmm.....nothing weight watchers about that.

  5. ahh yes, that good bit of bacon fat never hurt anything...;) The great English breakfast: fried bacon; fried eggs (in the bacon fat) then fried bread (in the bacon fat) then fried tomatoes (in the same bacon fat). Johanna, sounds like you need to experience that one too! And then for some reason we follow that with some 'light' toast and marmalade. I think it's breakfast time!

    Yeah Randall, it was the bacon sandwich!


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