Friday, March 18, 2005

Major Announcement

After many many cups of Tim Hortons coffee this year, I have just won a free Donut in the Roll up the rim to win contest.

I'm on a roll here baby.


  1. Congrats!

    What's particularly depressing is when you pull up to the drive-through window with the sign that says "678 winners at this Tim Hortons". How could this be when the contest JUST started?

    Even in years that I buy lots of coffee, I still rarely win. I WANT THAT ENVOY!! or at the very least the home theatre system.

  2. Boy and I thought I was a nerd today because my NIV on cd showed up by mail yesterday!!!!!

  3. JOY, JOY!!!!! I just won my own donut!! Now I have to give up my bitter grudging feeling towards all you other winners out in the world. Oh well. See you at Tim's place!!

  4. yesterday i was feeling SO lucky, so i went and bought a tea at tim's, just to get the roll-up cup...

    man, was i ever deflated when i saw those 3 little words...."please play again"

  5. And you know what, Lyn? We always do; we keep setting ourselves up for failure and loss, but then, somehow, through those feelings of bitter disappointment, we see those three words as a warm invitation, as if it's a priviledge. "Please play again? Why, I'm honoured that you'd ask. Thank you. I'll certainly play again."

    It's a vicious cycle.

  6. And being polite Canadians, we always respond well when somebody says "Please"

  7. I started to wonder if I should start buying Extra Large coffees, figuring there'd be a better chance the more money I spend, but check this out:

    click here (Posted here) (Via)

    If I read the chart right, the best odds are found in large drinks (which is what I always order, yet I rarely win).

  8. I hear that they put nicotine in their coffee.........mmmmmm, yummy.....drinking a cigarette

  9. Nicotine? Bizarre. I heard that it was MSG.


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