Friday, March 18, 2005


She picked up the priceless vase, gleefully unaware of the next moment when she would attempt to set it down, and fail.

Happily she pours over it, tracing it's lovely design with her finger, examining the way the sunlight is caught and reflected in it's glass.

It is surprisingly heavy, for a beautiful old vase.

Still she is unaware. And her joy is complete at the chance to explore this amazing treasure.

She is pleased. Her heart is full of life, then...

She moves to replace the priceless beauty. As she moves, the base of the vase bumps the side of the table.

In slow motion, the vase is pulled out of her hand. In slow motion her joy is chased away, by sorrow. The pleasure scatters, replaced by fear.

The vase crashes to the ground and pain takes hold of her heart.

And just as broken as the priceless vase, is her heart.

Smashed, lost, broken.  

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