Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Important Notice

Ok people, I'm still getting emails wondering when the baby is due and how we are taking it.

It was an April Fools Joke! Which was why I thanked everybody for being so gullible.

So, for those who are seriously concerned. Thanks. It's neat being loved.

For those who think a pastor shouldn't do that, well, hey, I'm still human. I'll give in to a bit of April Foolery once and a while. (Especially when I come up with a good one!)

And, on a final note, I'll probably only pull a stunt like that once a year, probably.  

(Unless of course we really would get pregnant, then who would have the last laugh?)


  1. Unbelievable. Did you know that the word "Gullible" is not in the dictionary?

  2. You're right, I don't believe it!


  3. I'm still trying to get mom over the dissappointment of not getting a new grandbaby ! I keep telling her, give Jeff and Heidi a few months !


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