Monday, April 25, 2005

Lauralea's Voice

It wasn't that i was afraid she would write better than me, I, because she does.
It wasn't that i was afraid that she would finally be able to give her side of the stories I tell about her.


I was just trying to be helpful, not wanting to draw attention to her
blog before she wanted attention drawn to it. But she's out there now
baby, and she's got something to say.

Lauralea is writing at
Now, I do feel a bit threatened. She was always more creative than I.
She wrote, produced, and recorded her own album in college. She writes
kids stories and great songs. She writes the weekly kids program we run
at Gateway, and she's editied every paper I've written.  See what
I mean, I have reason to be afraid.

Truth is she's a great teacher, and she has some great ideas and things to say.

Lauralea's World.


  1. You may have noticed my jocular rant over at her blog in which I suggested that she exact some kind of punishment for your lack of announcement in this regard. Then I realized you had had her on your blogroll all along. My bad.

  2. Why worry - compliment (as you do in reallife) don't compete.


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.