Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Hump day done

Well, it's 10:30 pm and it's been a loooong day. I'm tired.

The busy-ness of the week has been keeping me a bit on edge. Tomorrow I'm doing the service at the Hospital and the evening finds me at a church congregational meeting. The in-between time I will be at a breakfast get together for any of the church guys that want to hang out for coffee. And the afternoon I'll be getting ready for the evening meeting and prepare for the wedding.

I think I've heard enough from the significant voices in my life (Including you) that I will apply for the Spiritual Directorship program at North Park. That kind of excites me. It's an area of care I love being involved with. This course will formalize my work and certificate me. And they have extended the deadline, bless their hearts, so now I have a few days to work on the application. I'll need every spare moment.

Anyway, to bed perchance to dream.

Thanks for thinking of me these days, and the notes, thanks.

You are appreciated. And prayed for.


  1. Then we shall pray for your continued strength and willingness to walk the journey. Congrat's...

    Be careful of what you ask from God, because if HE thinks you are ready for the answer, then it will come to you 100%..

    There are no coincidences in Gods Time.

    goodnight from Montreal


  2. I'm happy you're pressing on towards your goal......... your gift. We shall pray to that end....and bless you as you "go".

  3. Prayers for you and peace to you as you persue this new endeavor.


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