Saturday, June 18, 2005

Jerry & Becky, sittin in a tree...

This afternoon Lauralea and I headed to the Metropolis of Osler Saskatchewan for a reception for the recently married Becky & Jerry. It was a blast.

The couple is as happy and in love as anybody should be allowed to be! And it shows.

Both sets of parents were there and we got to meet them. Becky's are from Virginia and I've been waiting to meet them for a chunk of time. Good southern stock. Good people.

Jerry's mom and dad are from the area, and since we were in Mennonite country, we played the Mennonite game - find out how you are related. Turns out my kin and Jerry's kin go way back. Nice to have a Southern girl marry into the family. Enlarges the gene pool.

There was time for people to do a short presentation. Leighton was there and Scotty was too. They had been working on a song to sing at the event and proceeded with it. Not bad at all.

I quickly turned on the video mode on my digital camera and captured the historic event. I've harvested the audio portion and present it here, for your listening pleasure. Forgive the quality, what can you do on a moments notice.

L.T. and Scotty D. did very very well. It should be mentioned that there was no alcohol at this reception, so, they were not half corked. I think it should also be explained that Scotty, who was playing the guitar and harmonica, has never taken a harmonica lesson in his life.

With apologies to "The Band" and their song, The Weight written by J. R. Robertson.

Here is LT and Scotty D singing, "Take a Load Off"


  1. Aww, thanks for recording that -- what a nice surprise! It'll now be uploaded for all posterity. I'm so glad y'all came out to our little party.

  2. I thought the harmonica worked out pretty good too.

    I mean, it's no alto-sax, but it can't be THAT easy to have a complimentary sound come out of it.

    Rock Rock on Scotty. ;)


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